Meet Matthew

I am a Melbourne-based counsellor and psychotherapist who is keen to see you realise your potential.  Many of us face times when the burdens of life stop us from moving ahead.  I work with my clients to make sense of their past, bring clarity to the present, and move into the future with renewed confidence and hope. 

Having begun my working life in the business world, I value being practical and concrete. More than a decade in ministry and education with young adults, couples, and families brought me into contact with people from a broad range of cultural backgrounds and life experiences.  I am also a husband and father.  Engaging with the spiritual dimension of life and being connected with a purpose beyond ourselves has always been central to my way of life.  All of these experiences add to my work as a therapist. 

The Masterpeace logo is inspired by Michelangelo’s sculpture, David.  When Michaelangelo looked at a raw block of marble, he saw the masterpiece beneath its surface.  His work was to clear away the layers that obscured what in one sense, he already saw.  I believe that within each of us, there is a unique masterpiece waiting to be uncovered.  With my clients, I work with care and precision to become clear about who they really are, develop mastery over the challenges they face, and discover the serenity that comes from creating their own Masterpeace. 


- Graduate Diploma of Counselling and Psychotherapy, Cairnmillar Institute

- Masters of Theology (Marriage and Family), John Paul II Institute

- Bachelor of Business (HR), Griffith University