• Do I need a referral from a GP?

    No, you don’t need a referral. If you’d like to connect with Matthew to talk about making an appointment, use this form.

  • Are sessions covered by Medicare or health insurance?

    Psychotherapy with a counsellor is not covered by Medicare. While I expect to be able to work with health insurance providers and provide a rebate in the future, I am not able to offer that now.

  • How long are sessions?

    A first session will run for between an hour and an hour and a quarter. Subsequent sessions will generally run for between 45 and 50 minutes.

  • How many sessions will I need?

    This will vary for clients. It will be difficult to make progress in less than 5 to 6 sessions. Most clients would come for between 10 and 15 sessions. Depending on what clients want to work on, many choose to extend beyond that. It’s really up to you and what your goals are.

  • How much is a session and when do I pay?

    Fees vary slightly. I discuss this with clients when they book. Payment for a first session can be made either over the phone when booking or online before the session. Subsequently, payments are made at the beginning of each session.

  • How do I book a session?

    First, connect with Matthew for a (free) phone consultation. We can look for a time and book over the phone. Subsequent bookings are made at the end of each session.

  • What if I need to change or cancel an appointment?

    Life is complicated and we all need to make changes from time to time. If you contact me at least 48 hours in advance we can try to reschedule an appointment. If I need to change an appointment, I’ll do the same for you.

    I want to help as many people as possible. If clients don’t show up, that doesn’t help anyone. With this in mind, if no notice is given, the full session fee will be charged.

  • Are meetings face-to-face or online?

    I do provide online sessions however I encourage meeting face-to-face for a first session and whenever that is possible subsequently.